Our Services

As brands, we're all seeking a common goal: to be known and trusted by our target audiences. That's where we come in. 

At source, we offer the following public relations services we believe will get you the best results.

Media Relations


The key to securing coverage in valued news outlets is through strong relationships with media partners. In an age where the media landscape is constantly evolving and more vast than ever, we engage with the right editors, journalists, and producers to amplify your brand's story.

Our creative and clever thinking turns clients’ stories into enticing pitches landing top placement across TV, print, radio and online coverage.

We have built strong relationships with respected media partners and have the expertise to get your story in the spotlight.



From collaborating on communications strategies for corporate teams to media coaching with small-owned businesses, consulting services could benefit your brand’s evolving needs.

  • Media Training

  • One-on-One Coaching

  • Business + Communication Strategy

Additional consulting services are ideal for a team member seeking guidance on how to spearhead a public relations department or program for your business. One-on-one coaching will provide the knowledge and tools on how to implement and execute public relations tactics.

Content Creation


We believe the best way to make authentic connections with your audience is through an integrated communications approach. Whether you're just starting out or established in your industry space, your story will evolve and grow, much like your consumers. We create content that will align brand messaging within your public relations strategy. 

  • Website Copy

  • Email Marketing

  • Internal Communications

  • Social Media

  • Collateral

Storytellers at heart, we focus on delivering compelling, valuable and consistent messaging that will help drive your business forward.

Influencer Seeding


We connect your brand or product with the appropriate digital contacts who can engage targeted audiences to learn more and support your mission.

Through seeding, we can expand reach to potential consumers as well as aim to garner organic word-of-mouth referrals and feedback.

Social Media


Your social media presence is paramount as a marketing and media channel. Consumers use content shared as a tool to determine credibility and personal alignment with your brand while media contacts refer for more information about who you are and what you do. At source, we believe this channel is one of the most authentic ways to connect with consumers and share your goals.

Even authentic content requires a strategy to ensure you are communicating in the most effective way. We plan, create and curate genuine, organic content for social media platforms that your consumers will engage with. From development to execution and community management, we ensure your brand’s reputation is managed digitally.

Ready for the spotlight?

Give us a call, send an email or fill out the form to the right. We’re looking forward to talking about how being front and center in the media can boost your business!


