Understanding Public Relations and Why You Need it in 2021

As the holiday season approaches fast, many brands are focusing on what will drive their businesses forward in the new year. The year 2020 has undoubtedly proven to be one of twists and turns for many companies, leading some to consider marketing opportunities they haven't taken advantage of before, including public relations.  When prioritizing how to promote business in 2021 your initial questions should be, what’s working from a marketing perspective? Where are areas of opportunity? Could PR help promote your company in an impactful and cost effective way?

Here are the top reasons how PR professionals can advance your business goals.  

A New Way To Tell Your Story

A PR specialist’s role in driving businesses to success is continually finding new opportunities to positively position a company in the media. Whether it’s sharing stories that can connect with consumers, launching a new venture or securing a brand as an industry leader in its space, a dynamic  PR campaign garners the attention of different media channels, allowing brands to tell multiple stories at once. As you plan for 2021, it's important to understand not only where you want your business name to appear in print, online or broadcast outlets, but what is being said. Are consumers connecting to your message? Is there an opportunity for them to learn more of who you are?

Cost Effective 

Unlike advertising space, public relations is not paid space in a media outlet.  Your company's name and story is placed in media channels because it's deemed newsworthy. Your return on investment (typically a retainer or project fee) is media coverage showcasing your business in vs. a one-time advertisement that may not get you the reach you hoped for with your budgeting dollars. Is being newsworthy on a consistent cadence in a positive way something that you feel can add value to your brand? If so, a team (or practitioner) that manages media relations could prove to be instrumental in your plans for 2021.

Brand Stewardship

PR professionals are loyalists of your brand. They can speak on your behalf and are always looking to expand your media coverage to new key audiences. They understand the demographics of media channels, which are consumed by your consumers, and know how to connect with the right people to share your story.  It’s their job to keep your business relevant and credible in the eyes of journalists. Media outlets have an overwhelming number of news stories they can choose from on a given day, so retaining media interest in your business is invaluable for an impactful campaign. 

Interested in hearing more on how (and why) public relations can make or break your marketing plan? Let’s connect


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